Celebrate Financial Independence

It’s not just the hot dogs and fireworks - each year we are celebrating our independence from Great Britain and the formation of the United States of America.  As a financial planner, I urge my clients to plan for their own personal financial independence day.

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Jamie Bosse
For the Graduates...

It is that time of year - graduation season - when I like to reflect on my commencement speech at Kansas State University’s College of Health and Human Sciences. This exercise of “finding your meaning” holds true at many crossroads of adulthood, but is especially powerful as a graduate heading off into the world.

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Jamie Bosse
Partner with a Planner

Why is it so hard for people to shed pounds and save money? Because both require a change in behavior and that doesn’t just happen overnight. A financial planner can help you focus on your goals, tackle them efficiently, and hold you accountable!

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Jamie Bosse